are based on the combination of different paradigms, such as object-oriented, functional, or procedural. These languages support many design patterns that can leverage the advantages of each ...
Integration testing is a crucial phase of software development, especially when you are dealing with multiple APIs that follow different design patterns. APIs, or application programming ...
This project aims to provide implementations of different Design Patterns using Lambda expressions and functional programming in Java 8. A Maven project with the current implemented patterns is ...
To introduce students to the fundamental principles and concepts of design patterns and their role in object-oriented software development. To equip students with the skills to identify and apply the ...
Patterns are all around us ... and a repeat of simple squares are used to unite different elements of the room, and to link this room to the design of other rooms in the house.
Are you a developer who needs to fully understand the different patterns and benefits that they bring to designing microservices? If yes, then this book is for you. Microservices Design Patterns in ...