Quadrant Future Tek IPO opened for subscription on Tuesday, January 7, and closed on Thursday, January 9. According to BSE data, the subscription status on the last bidding day was 186.66 times.
The IPO of Laxmi Dental was subscribed 11.7 times on the second day of the bidding process on Tuesday. The QIB portion was booked just 0.44 times while the NII portion was subscribed 24.42 times ...
Bidders for issue will get the messages, alerts or emails for debit of their funds or revocations of their IPO mandate latest by weekend or latest by Monday January 13. The SME IPO of the electric ...
In total, 73.39 lakh shares were allotted to 31 entities at ₹428 per share. The IPO, which opened for subscription on January 7 and closed on January 9, saw an overwhelming response. According ...
Apenas três dias após o seu regresso à estrutura do Sporting, João Pereira não conseguiu uma (re)estreia propriamente feliz pela equipa B, este domingo, uma vez que não foi além de um ...
João Pereira quebrou, ao início da tarde deste sábado, o silêncio a propósito do regresso ao Sporting, neste caso, para orientar a equipa B, cerca de duas semanas depois de ter sido demitido ...
O vereador João Pereira (PT), de Teresina, anunciou que seu mandato na Câmara Municipal será pautado pela luta contra a fome, a miséria e qualquer tipo de preconceito. Nesta quinta-feira (09/ ...
The talks are at an early stage and the final decision on the investment banks is yet to be taken, according to sources who said, “They (Groww) should file IPO papers with the markets regulator by ...
Apesar da queixa da ANTF, João Pereira já orientou o primeiro treino enquanto técnico principal do Sporting, nesta ...
Investors who applied for the Ventive Hospitality IPO can check the allotment status via the BSE and Kfin Technologies Limited website. Listen to Story Capital Infra Trust Invit IPO saw 2.80 times ...