Discover Mi Pueblo in East L.A., a Salvadoran restaurant serving 17 varieties of pupusas, classic antojitos, and hearty ...
El Salvador’s Congress has ratified a constitutional reform that will make it easier and faster to make constitutional ...
President Donald Trump ordered construction of a deportee detention camp with room for 30,000 migrants on the U.S. naval base ...
Confined to their cells for all but 30 minutes a day, denied visits, forced to sleep on stainless steel cots without ...
The smallest country in Central America geographically, El Salvador has the fourth largest economy in the region. With the global recession, real GDP contracted in 2009 and economic growth has ...
Vásquez reside en la comunidad El Zarzal, en el distrito de Guaymango, Ahuachapán Sur, y es parte de las mujeres beneficiadas con la iniciativa de entrega de gallinas ponedoras que realiza la ...
Un terremoto de magnitud 6,3 ha sacudido este domingo a El Salvador. El presidente Nayib Bukele ha confirmado, en su cuenta de X, que el epicentro del sismo está en la costa de La Paz ...
Jan 5 (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck El Salvador on Sunday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre said. The quake was at a depth of 87 km (54.06 miles), EMSC said.
Security forces from Guatemala and El Salvador arrived in Haiti on Friday to reinforce a multinational mission tasked with tackling the country’s rampant gang violence, the Haitian National ...
Afirmaron que el personal recolectó unas seis toneladas de basura durante la actividad, en su mayoría plásticos. “El incremento de visitantes trae también un impacto significativo de basura ...