Another all-time favorite book, assigned to me during a leadership training program was “Soar with Your Strengths.” This classic by Donald O. Clifton, past chairman of the Gallup organization, ...
The trauma of losing his sister-in-law, Kerri Baker, has followed Sarasota's Assistant EMS Chief Brian Nadler for years.
Helping news, media, brands and institutions leverage our world-class content and cutting-edge services to drive value to their audiences and business. From the ballots of India, France, United ...
Every weekday for over three decades, Morning Edition has taken listeners around the country and the world with two hours of multi-faceted stories and commentaries that inform, challenge and ...
Mobile Medical Response is continuing to train people who might need to respond to a life-threatening emergency before an ambulance arrives. The next First on the Scene class for members of the ...
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