When quantum electrodynamics, the quantum field theory of electrons and photons, was being developed after World War II, one of the major challenges for theorists was calculating a value for the Lamb ...
L'équation de Drake est une célèbre proposition mathématique concernant les sciences telles que l'exobiologie, la futurobiologie, l'astrosociologie, ainsi que le projet SETI (search for ...
Elle se présente sous la forme u(x)=b, où u est une application linéaire entre deux espaces vectoriels E et F, b est un élément donné de F. On recherche l'inconnue x dans E. La linéarité permet ...
Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria. The bound state solutions of the Dirac equation are only possible for some potentials of physical interest [1-5].
THE theory of fluid motion, as ordinarily worked out, presents several lacunae. One notable omission is the absence of any detailed dis cussion of the effects of compression and rarefaction of air ...
The wave-particle duality was demonstrated not only with electrons, but when it came to atoms and even molecules, things got ...