Branco explores the 2025 International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, focusing on quantum breakthroughs and their transformative potential across various fields.
Observing the effects of special relativity doesn't necessarily require objects moving at a significant fraction of the speed ...
Sixteen students from The Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science at Western Kentucky University presented their research in Frankfort at the Kentucky Junior Academy of Science (KJAS) meeting.
At these points, something special happens: the relationship between the energy and momentum of charge carriers (electrons and holes) in graphene is described by the Dirac equation, rather than the ...
IT is well known that the magnetic moment of the proton and the neutron cannot be explained by Dirac's relativistic wave equation. It was first suggested by Wick 1 that the surplus moment of the ...
In order to better understand the nature of the Equations (6)-(13), one can boost the coordinates to the fermion’s rest frame along a random axis, say the x-axis. The same argumentation was applied to ...
WE have generalized a theory put forward by Yukawa 1 showing that nuclear forces can be explained by assuming the existence of new particles of mass about two hundred times that of the electron.
Conventional quantum mechanics didn't have such transitions, and Dirac's relativistic Schrödinger equation (naturally called the Dirac equation) did not have such a hyperfine transition either ...