Samsung Electronics has launched the Galaxy S25 Ultra, Galaxy S25+ and Galaxy S25, setting a new standard as a true AI companion with the most natural and context-aware mobile experiences ever created ...
Samsung Electronics has announced the Galaxy S25 Ultra, Galaxy S25+ and Galaxy S25, setting a new standard as a true AI ...
The Galaxy S25 series are extremely polished phones, but a key competitor shows what they're missing. Here's the OnePlus 13 ...
Leading European telco unveils results of test using low earth orbit satellite operated by for WhatsApp video call to smartphone in location that suffers from lack of traditional mobile connectivity.
The groundbreaking call was made possible through Vodafones collaboration with AST SpaceMobiles BlueBird satellites.
For the first time ever, WWE 2K will be playable on mobile devices but don’t get too excited because there’s a massive catch.