Escape to this secluded A-frame cabin at Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri for the ultimate digital detox; relax, unwind, and reconnect.
IKEA, known for its affordable and functional modern furniture, has a variety of storage solutions to help you achieve an ...
While bifold doors on closets are useful space savers, they're usually more utilitarian than stylish. If you'd like to ...
Edit Your Clothes Genevieve Garruppo, Custom Closet Design by Clos-ette in collaboration with BNO “Be ruthless,” Fowler says.
The singer and actress's closet features floor-to-ceiling storage, with a large mirror complementing the space and creating ...
By living in a small New York City apartment — a one-bedroom that I converted to two—I’ve learned to Tetris my family’s belongings into cabinets and closets just so to make things fit. Still, it’s not ...
In recent years, standing has been touted as a remedy to a sedentary lifestyle, especially for desk workers who spend long hours seated at their screens. But a new study from researchers in Australia ...
This simple act of doing things together strengthens bonds in ways that money simply cannot buy. I’ve put together a list of 24 wonderful date ideas that cost nothing but promise everything, joy, ...
Two of the newer ideas are clever guided family journals that help surface stories that have never been told (and memories that should never be forgotten), and a bird feeder for the 21st century.
A healthy life is all about balance. If you're older than 50 and can stand on one leg for at least 30 seconds, scientists say you're aging really well, even if you sway from side to side. A small new ...
Do you have a white t-shirt? A decent knowledge of corny jokes? Write them down on a big t-shirt, barrel jeans work great here as well, add a pillow (unless you have a baby bump), maybe a mustache ...