Meanwhile, SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk has joined hands with the actor. Moreover, he has promised to pay for Carano’s lawsuit as well. Gina Carano had a relatively short career in MMA ...
Actress Gina Carano isn’t happy with how things turned out at Disney, and she’s filing a lawsuit — with help from Elon Musk. Carano was fired from The Mandalorian in 2021 after sharing a ...
Know why Gina Carano was fired from 'The Mandalorian', and get details on lawsuit against Disney, Elon Musk's backing, and ...
Actress and former MMA fighter Gina Carano has taken up Elon Musk on his recent offer for him to foot the bill for anyone fired because of political tweets on Twitter (now X) as per what he ...
Gina Carano, a former actor in the "Star Wars ... Does Carano have a case in her rehire lawsuit, which is being financed by X owner Elon Musk, or will Disney win out in court?