Berserk as a a franchise has been tragically absent from the anime world in recent days. Following Berserk: Memorial Edition, ...
Almost a quarter of a century after its release, The Dark Knight Rises is still holding up admirably when it comes to keeping one big movie record.
Snyder recently teased the Joker's return to the Absolute Batman storyline and how the villain will be unlike anything Batman ...
Several scenes from the trailer of Robert De Niro's upcoming film "The Alto Knights" appear to be filmed at Cincinnati landmarks. Here's which ones.
The Devil’s work is never done. Coming more than six years since Marvel’s Daredevil was canceled by Netflix after three ...
It's the first day of a new era for "Cinema Chat"! Marquee Arts cinema program director, Nick Alderink, is now the permanent ...
The star fullback saw his campaign once again interrupted by a long-term injury, yet when he was on the field the Knights looked a completely different proposition. Newcastle's main task in the ...