Their observations revealed that norepinephrine levels in the brain fluctuate about every 50 seconds during non-REM sleep.
The brain's waste-removal process is "like turning on the dishwasher," a neurologist says, but common sleep medications may ...
Eight years of work. A collaboration between the Laboratory of Neuroethology of Non-Human Primates of the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma, led by Luca Bonini, and a team ...
Blood vessels in the brain rhythmically constrict and dilate to drive waves of cleansing fluid through the organ.
Neural implants contain integrated circuits (ICs) -- commonly called chips -- built on silicon. These implants need to be small and flexible to mimic circumstances inside the human body. However, the ...
The age-old debate about differences between male and female brains has taken a dramatic turn with new evidence suggesting these variations begin before a baby’s first cry. In the largest study of its ...
Males and females really are wired differently from birth, according to a new study from the University of Cambridge.
Federal authorities busted a ring of people trafficking in stolen human remains that stretched from Harvard Medical School to ...
Kidney and nerve tissue cells can form memories much like brain cells, one new study has found. Another recent study says ...
Ace investor Shankar Sharma, a.k.a. Le Grand Fromage, unveils the 'SSIPHO' method - blending breakthrough medical science with cutting-edge investment strategy.
Stephen is sharing a recent edition of his Rational Optimist Diary on nanotech and nuclear fusion. An incredibly bright ...
Scientists at Scripps Research unveil the effects of microgravity on brain cells. Microgravity is known to affect muscles, ...