Mufasa serves as the prequel to the hit Disney film The Lion King. The movie centers around a young Mufasa and a lion prince named Taka, who will later grow up to be known as Scar. The film will ...
Kelvin Harrison Jr. is still trying to wrap his mind around the epic year ... This is certainly a prequel that continues to explore themes that I think are really present in the first [movie]. It ...
The follow-up movie to the 2019 live action remake of The Lion King has put in a solid performance at the box office so far.
Kelvin Harrison Jr. is ready to show fans a whole new version ... Barry Jenkins is making a movie about the legend Mufasa, everything we expect.” While “Can You Feel the Love Tonight ...
Mufasa: The Lion King” is an odd movie. Realistic-looking lions, warthogs, meerkats and whatever break into song repeatedly.
"I was like, 'Let me put some of that privilege in there,'" Harrison tells TheWrap of developing the Disney character's ...
In addition to Wicked and Moana 2, another musical movie is on the horizon ... Ahead of its release on December 20, actors Kelvin Harrison Jr. and Tiffany Boone visited Good Morning America ...
Harrison Jr.: I think, for me… my dad being Kelvin ... I mean, that’s a storyteller, a transformative actor and a movie star. Pierre: Kelvin’s heard me say this before.