Liam Neeson has starred in several famous movie franchises, but there was one that he decided to turn down. The role ended up ...
Donald Trump referenced Liam Neeson's iconic line from Taken in an extended Truth Social post celebrating the US Military's ...
All this is to say that we are still feeling the effects of Kinsey’s research, both all the good it’s done for the vast ...
With 72-year-old Liam Neeson now a bit too long in the tooth to be wiping out heavily armed bad guys convincingly, could comparatively young pup Odenkirk (62) now be set to become the new ...
There’s no shortage of classic heist movies, but with income inequality on our minds, and billionaires aplenty, the genre is ...
And while that might make you initially groan, let us tell you next who is involved: Director Akiva Schaffer (of The Lonely Island fame), and stars Liam Neeson, Pamela Anderson ... But we're just ...
Though the best Liam Neeson movies can compete with any number of peers’ filmographies, there’s a lot of Neeson out there for fans to sort through. Going over my all-time Letterboxd stats ...
The big reason why there are two Taken sequels and a seemingly endless parade of Liam Neeson action movies is that viewers genuinely liked his character, Bryan Mills. In the first film ...
Liam Neeson’s career as an action star may be slowing down now that he’s well into his 70s, but that hasn’t stopped him from delivering some hits over the last few years that, while perhaps ...