This is the third installment in a series of stories exploring memory disorders in the Chippewa Valley. In today’s installment, two women share their experiences of loss due to dementia and how music ...
An emergency room doctor has shared the 10 early warning signs you or a loved one might have developed Alzheimer's disease - as he urges people to visit their doctors ...
If your loved one experiences sudden cognitive decline, they may be experiencing a rare type of dementia called rapidly progressive dementia.
Dr Joe, who is known as @drjoe_md on TikTok, has taken to social media to urge people to seek a diagnosis if they're worried ...
It is the memory-robbing disease that people fear the most as they age - and it is even more tragic when it strikes early. One of those affected is actress Pauline Quirke.
This week many Americans have taken note of the beleaguered Kennedy's distinct voice. It's said to be caused by a ...
Spasmodic Dysphonia is a vocal disorder that involves sudden involuntary spasms affecting the vocal cords, causing them to ...
Mom barely eats and may have dementia but refuses any medical intervention beyond annual checkups.
Shorter telomeres are linked to higher risks of stroke, dementia, and depression, but lifestyle factors may help counteract ...
People with shorter protective caps at the end of their chromosomes (called telomeres) may be more likely to develop age-related brain diseases such as stroke, dementia and late-life depression ...
An estimated 76,000 Oklahomans are living with Alzheimer's disease, a number that has surged by 13% in just five years. Yet, ...
Emily Ratajkowski is heating things up in Mexico, flaunting her enviable figure in a red swimsuit. But how does she maintain ...