Researchers explore the impact of exercise on the short-term regulation of insulin pathways in brain circuits.
One of the largest studies to date found more frequent use of marijuana over time reduces the ability to remember key ...
We can begin to control anxiety when we understand its genetic survival value, recognize its distortions, and learn how to ...
A clinical trial has shown that an internet-delivered lifestyle intervention has resulted in significantly better cognition ...
Taking longer to enter the dream phase can disrupt the ability to consolidate memories and interfere with emotion regulation.
Neuroplasticity and sleep hygiene enhance learning, memory, and habit formation by refining cognitive maps and strengthening neural connections.
The Alzheimer's Accountability and Investment Act (Public Law 118-93), enacted on October 1, 2024, mandates that the National ...
Introduction ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is one of the most prevalent presentations in young patients. It is ...
The microbial ecosystems within our mouths may affect our cognitive function as we age, according to a study. Interventions ...