BET+ has ordered its first ever adult animated series, “Lil Kev,” based on the childhood of comedian Kevin Hart. The half-hour series, from Hart’s Hartbeat shingle, is set to debut this spring.
BET+ and Hartbeat, the entertainment company founded by Kevin Hart, are breaking new ground with the announcement of Lil Kev, the streaming platform’s first original adult animated series.
The brother of St Albans legend "little Kev" has spoken out in tribute of his sibling after his passing on Christmas Eve. Tributes have flooded in following the death of John "little Kev" Gains ...
Nobody knows how electrons gain the relativistic speed required for high-energy cosmic events. A new study provides a possible explanation.
Kev speaks with the Help Our Friends in Ukraine team, the Princebuild Directors and a grateful Ukrainian. Kev speaks on those on the Poland/Ukraine boarder, and some thankful family members.
LILOAN-BASED Duros Group sets its sights on significant investments in the real estate and tourism sectors this year. During the 12th State of Duros Address at The Events Place in the Woodlands ...
Knative Serving builds on Kubernetes to support deploying and serving of applications and functions as serverless containers. Serving is easy to get started with and scales to support advanced ...