We absolutely need to keep Sunderland open,” said City Councilor Sameer Kanal, who represents North and Northeast Portland.
With snow on the ground and temperatures below freezing, outreach workers from Portland Rescue Mission went from tent to tent to make offers of shelter.
PORTLAND, Ore. -- The small Oregon city at the heart of a major U.S. Supreme Court ruling last year that allowed cities ...
He pleaded guilty to first-degree theft, aggravated identity theft, and first-degree official misconduct Tuesday afternoon.
Families with children are one of the fastest-growing groups experiencing homelessness in the U.S., according to the latest federal data.
As part of his plan to end unsheltered homelessness in the city, Portland Mayor Keith Wilson unveiled a new pilot program on ...
A new mayor with no political experience in Portland has an audacious plan — some say naive — to end street homelessness, writes Danny Westneat.
See Correction/Clarification at the end of this article. Despite efforts to increase affordable housing and keep people housed, the Portland region's homeless population grew by more than 1,000 as ...
PORTLAND, Ore. — As the weather turns cold and wet, tensions around the supplies distributed by Multnomah County to homeless people are heating up. The attorney behind a lawsuit against the city ...
An Oregon judge on Monday ordered the city at the heart of a major U.S. Supreme Court ruling on homeless encampments to ...
The businessman-turned-politician’s $28 million plan to dramatically increase night-only shelters will depend on buy-in from many long-standing homeless service providers. It’s been more than ...