A team of scientists from the Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (CNIR) at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) has ...
Researchers suggest that the brain might be quickly recapping the important events of life before shutting down permanently.
A team of scientists has unveiled how the hippocampus orchestrates multiple memory processes, including encoding new information, forming memories, and retrieving them.
Scientists may have unravelled what happens to the brain moments before death, suggesting it plays back significant memories.
Dr. Zemmar's team observed gamma oscillations involved in memory retrieval just before and after cardiac arrest.
The average human brain weighs about 3 pounds and contains 80 to 100 billion neurons, which are the cells that store information. But how do these cells store information? How do we retrieve that ...
She explained: "⁠I take a lion’s mane supplement in the morning for neural protection. It is thought to promote neuronal ...
The synchronization function of quantum memories can be employed ... which does not support on-demand retrieval with continuously adjustable storage times, and the storage time is fundamentally ...