“Goosebumps: The Vanishing,” which premiered on both platforms Jan. 10, is part of the anthology series “Goosebumps” created by Nicholas Stoller and Rob Letterman and inspired by Stine's books. Though ...
Prosthetics boss Pierre Olivier Persin, now an Oscar nominee for his work on Coralie Fargeat's buzzy body horror, speaks to ...
"Mitzi," the lobby dragon of Wizards of the Coast, has been given more space of her own in the company's new Renton, Wash., ...
Parents need to know that American Horror Story's content is designed to shock, and you can expect a variety of scary, disturbing, and graphic scenes that include strong language, sexual content, drug ...
Jeremy Stephens strolled into enemy territory and took out a legend.
The Last Half of Darkness has been remade for the modern era, 35 years after its initial release on the DOS platform.
From psychological masterpieces to gore fests, these horror anime will send chills down the spines of even the most hardcore ...
Scream queens are actresses who have carved a unique niche for themselves as the stars of multiple scary movies. For horror ...
Known as the Hat Man, this tall, dark, featureless entity has been seen in people's bedrooms across the globe, watching over ...
In these great survival games, players must contend with particularly deadly nights on top of the usual day-to-day survival ...
Let’s face it, the found-footage genre is one of the most polarizing subgenres out there. Audiences tend to either love the look and feel of the rawness of a found-footage flick or they can’t stand ...
Ask most horror fans about the genre’s best decade, and the overwhelming majority will likely agree that it’s the 1980s. With ...