A street vendor in Hyderabad recently made headlines after charging a foreign tourist an astonishing ₹100 for a single banana ...
A UK vlogger was shocked to learn the price of a single banana when he approached a street vendor in Hyderabad.
A viral Instagram video features a foreigner being charged ₹100 for a single banana in Hyderabad, amusing viewers with ...
In Hyderabad, a fruit seller was seen selling a single banana for Rs 100 to a foreigner. Read more to know the details of the ...
The incident, captured on video and shared by the traveller Hugh on Instagram, has since gone viral, amassing over 6 million ...
With every single Brit chucking away hundreds of pieces of fruit and veg a year, costing them more than £450, how do you make it last a little longer?
Bananas are a sociable fruit. They thrive in bunches ... But what about the ones which get separated from the bunch? Cast aside as single entities, they become isolated and alone.
A fruit seller in Hyderabad has sparked laughter and disbelief after attempting to charge a Scottish tourist Rs 100 for a single banana. The incident, captured on video and shared by the traveller ...