Essentially, eating foods that contain tyrosine or phenylalanine encourages your brain to produce dopamine. However, you need ...
Feeling depressed? Let’s discuss five science-backed antidepressants that can do wonders for your daily routine.
From supplements with magnesium, ashwaganda and more, these are ingredients experts say can help reduce stress and other ...
Attention, foodies! Ready for a secret that will transform your days? A recent study reveals that happiness is closer than we ...
A pathway once considered fundamental in Alzheimer’s disease is being studied intensely again, and may soon result in safer, ...
In the fast-paced world we live in, maintaining cognitive sharpness is essential. The ability to focus, remember, and process ...
In her new book, psychiatrist Joanna Moncrieff examines the popular belief that antidepressants "work." Among many other ...
Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a vital micronutrient that plays a significant role in maintaining overall health.  Known for ...
Having ADHD is associated with a shorter life expectancy and a greater risk of mental health issues, according to a new study ...
Researchers have studied how prenatal cannabis exposure affects brain development and cognitive functions, including memory ...
A study by the (UPV/EHU) demonstrates that the drug WIN55,212-2 protects the brain and reverses early cognitive damage caused ...
Yes, vitamin B6 supplements help with nausea, particularly with morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy. Learn ...