"The essence of the waltz... you did it beautifully," Barry said. "You had a lovely posture position. It was very elegant. Your best dance yet." He was rewarded with his highest score to date ...
When Tamia came across a video on YouTube of people line dancing to her 2006 song “Can’t Get Enough of You,” she and her husband, NBA legend Grant Hill, decided to join in the fun and learn ...
Students at UH are stepping into history with line dancing, exploring Black Western culture through Beyoncé's work.
Idea Factory’s upcoming Otome game Battlefield Waltz is getting two different physical editions. The physical editions include the Battlefield Waltz Day One and Battlefield Waltz Plus edition. There ...
Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Foresight is even better. Foreshadowing is an artform within the artform, providing ...
That’s where Line Graphs come in. You can insert them right within Google Sheets where your data is entered. We’re going to take a sample data set and use it to show you how to create a line chart.
The UK's official biggest dance songs of the week, based on sales of downloads, CDs, vinyl and other physical formats, across a seven day period. Compiled by the Official Charts Company.