This stunning Wolf Dog’s European adventure exemplifies this notion. After witnessing her vacation, you might be inspired to plan an exciting getaway to the Swiss Alps with your own pup. Watch her ...
The calupoh is as fascinating as it is rare. Known as the Mexican wolfdog, the calupoh combines the mystique of the wolf with the loyalty and intelligence of domesticated dogs.
The wolf leaped away and trotted onward ... It’s tempting to think of wolves as we do dogs—companionable, limited, even cartoonish in their appetites or tendencies. Partly this is because ...
"Within the first two weeks I had taught him to sit, lay down, wait, go, paw and spin," Andrew Hall told Newsweek.
More than 250 wolfdogs were rescued from a fur farm in Ohio, with three of them now being cared for by a special rescue in Middletown.