Did God say not to eat of any of the trees?” When the woman correctly states what God commanded, the devil then proceeds to ...
Why are there no priestesses in the Bible? For those committed to learning about the women and goddesses relegated to tiny spaces between and behind the lines of the Hebrew Bible, this is a book to ...
The women in our group had a wide variety ... as I unboxed the beautifully bound Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: Old and New Testament with a huge grin on my face — and even made one of them ...
Other incidents women were mentioned in the New Testament are: - The two women grinding ... 2:1), but Ruth is one of the Mary - like women of the Bible. (2) The mother of Solomon is referred to, not ...
So, let’s read about the wisdom offered in the Bible with its timeless lessons and examples of both good and bad, triumphs and failures. In the Old Testament, four great leaders who were notably ...
First, the mission of Jesus. He is the Messiah whose coming was anticipated and prophesized throughout the Hebrew Bible, also ...
Jesus says to the Samaritan women, “…whoever drinks the water ... baptism through foreshadowing and prophecy in the Old Testament. As the Fathers of the church taught, the figures of baptism ...
In previous columns, I have shown how certain truths of the faith in the New Testament were prefigured and foreshadowed in the Old Testament. Here, I will focus on the Eucharist. There are a ...
Tucked away in the genealogies of the Jewish people in the Old Testament is a man whose life is recorded in two verses. His name was Jabez, and his entire ...
Martin Luther King, Jr. was honored on Jan. 20. In one of his sermons he said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he ...