The drama follows the story of Kang Ji-yun— depicted by Han Ji-min— the CEO of a headhunter firm, and her secretary Yu Eun-ho, played by Lee Jun-hyuk. Kang Ji-yun is meticulous at her work but ...
In episode 3, it was revealed CEO Lee Yong-hoon was fired from Career Way, where Kang Ji-yun (Han Ji-min) used to work. This dismissal occurred because Career Way became a victim of a paper ...
The change is there for all to see as the brusque and businesslike Kang Ji Yun seems to be making an effort with even her outfits. As she breezes into the office in a stunning outfit and a glow on ...
The foundations you think are missing may not be the key ingredients for your leap forward. Sometimes, searching for a solid base can distract you from the simplicity that propels you. Instead ...
The second lady, who lives in Cincinnati's East Walnut Hills neighborhood with her husband and three kids, wore multiple high-fashion outfits throughout the inauguration festivities. Here's a look.
There are multiple outfits coming in the Infinity Nikki 1.2 update. Some of the outfits can only be obtained through using Revelation Crystals in resonance Banners. While other outfits can be ...
However, there is one outfit that still makes him blush decades later. The 84-year-old admitted to Page Six that when Cher slipped into her skimpy sheer bodysuit for 1989's "If I Could Turn Back ...
Dressed to the nines? Try the 10s. Taylor Swift, decked out head to toe in designer Louis Vuitton, entered Arrowhead Stadium on Sunday as usual, with a posse in tow, including her parents, Scott ...
In the k-rom-com Love Scout, Han Ji-min plays Kang Ji-yoon, a workaholic headhunter with a lot of talent. She knows when someone might be unhappy in their job and how she might improve their work ...
Infinity Nikki contains an outfit called Bye-Bye Dust that features a super fuzzy and fluffy baby doll dress with a large paw print sewn onto it. Lifengling edited a montage of the dress creation ...
and embracing the annual ritual of out with the old, in with the new. As you search for fresh January outfit ideas, your closet might be calling for attention (hey, maybe it's time to part with ...