Zack Snyder's scrapped animated show, Army of the Dead: Lost Vegas, has received a status update from producer Jay Oliva. The franchise began in 2021 with Snyder's post-apocalyptic zombie movie ...
One of Zack Snyder's lesser known movies started its life as a video game that was pitched to EA before becoming a film.
movies and the internet. Tomorrow marks the release of Rebel Moon Part 2: The Scargiver, what was supposed to be the concluding chapter of the two-part saga of Zack Snyder’s original universe.
The Hollywood Reporter shared that director Zack Snyder has a new project lined up at Netflix centering on the Los Angeles ...
While there will always be fans who want to pit the DCU against the DCEU (or "SnyderVerse"), James Gunn and Zack Snyder don't ...
Superman has maintained a long-lasting presence in Hollywood. Once again, the DC hero is ready to grace the silver screen with James Gunn's upcoming superhero movie, Superman, featuring David ...
James Gunn’s Superman shows influences from both Richard Donner and Zack Snyder, but it might run far deeper than anyone ...