In contrast, the iPhone 16 Pro Max has Apple’s signature flat-edged design with a more pronounced squared-off camera bump. Although its 6.9-inch OLED display is slightly larger, it has a lower ...
The Apple iPhone 13 series is officially discontinued at the Apple Store but you can still get a nice little discount on a certified refurbished Pro device. Right now, for example, the 1TB iPhone ...
Apple discontinued the iPhone 13 Pro when the 14-series handsets came out in fall 2022; it then dropped the 13 mini in fall 2023, and finally killed off the standard iPhone 13 in fall 2024.
15 Pro and 15 Pro Max; the iPhone 14 and 14 Plus; the iPhone 13; and the iPhone SE. We look at the best prices for each model, plus a handful of discontinued models that are still available from ...