Martin Nečas is a Czech ice hockey forward for the Colorado Avalanche, as of 2025. He started his career in junior hockey, leading the Czech U16 league in points during the 2014-15 season.
Do nočných zápasov zasiahli štyria Slováci, z nich si asistenciu pripísali Juraj Slafkovský v drese Montrealu a Martin ...
Also in this week's notebook: confidence-growing moments for Joshua Roy, Jayden Struble and some video of David Reinbacher in ...
The Avalanche entered the third period with a commanding 4-1 advantage until the Canadiens nailed Colorado with a three-spot ...
Juraj Slafkovský strelil dva góly v jednom zápase po 10 dňoch, keď mal takúto bilanciu v stretnutí na ľade Seattlu. Proti ...
Od momentu, keď sa NHL znova rozbehla po turnaji 4 Nations Face-Off, Slafkovský ožil. V 13 dueloch má na konte trinásť bodov ...
Slovenský hokejový obranca Erik Černák prispel v noci na stredu (26. 3.) v NHL asistenciou k víťazstvu Tampy Bay nad ...