The Superior Court of Justice of Ontario has approved a $4.5 million settlement in a medical malpractice lawsuit involving a ...
The Ontario Superior Court of Justice ordered the defendant to pay $1,104,557.50 in costs and interest to Smitiuch Injury Law ...
The Superior Court of Justice of Ontario has ruled that an internal medicine specialist breached the standard of care in her ...
Accused young persons T and M were involved in planning shooting of 16-year-old deceased, and were convicted of first degree murder. M and T were accepted for intensive rehabilitative custody and ...
Accused parents were convicted of failing to provide necessaries of life to their young son, who died of meningitis. Majority of Court of Appeal dismissed parents’ appeals. Dissenting judge would have ...
TS was mother of complainant SL. TS met accused in church and they became romantically involved. Shortly after their relationship commenced complainant claimed that accused touched her vagina in ...
General Division of Social Security Tribunal (SST-GD) upheld denial of Canada Pension Plan disability benefits to claimant because he did not establish that he suffered from severe and prolonged ...
Plaintiffs brought competition law class action on behalf of direct and indirect purchasers in two distribution channels in marketplace for rechargeable lithium ion batteries. Motion judge granted ...
Security for costs. Taxpayer was resident outside of Canada and appealed assessment. Minister of National Revenue brought motion for order requiring taxpayer to pay security for costs. Tax Court judge ...