A first-of-its-kind study on teacher strikes shows they bring new money into districts, increasing student spending and all ...
Local unions across the country have tackled the issue of bathroom breaks in a variety of ways. Here are some examples of contract language you can share with your local leaders: Lavatory facilities ...
While her big brother tries to tell a more conventional adventure tale about a brave knight, little sister interrupts with creative and wild suggestions that don’t even rhyme. Poet, writer, and ...
Though the director insists that Cesaria wear the sandals that are part of her peacock costume, she stands up for herself and takes off her shoes while dancing at her seaside Carnival performance so ...
High school senior Magdalena Herrera already has adult responsibilities and a deadly secret hidden in the dark of the basement—one that drains her of energy and leaves her bleeding—until the return of ...
Abeni, a reluctant magical apprentice, collects a team of spirit allies, who join her efforts to rescue her village from the evil Witch Priest and the ghost ships bound for distant lands.
Diverse characters in these short stories each have a minor superpower they're learning to live with, coping with humor and grace when even their small powers come with big problems. After reading, ...
Měi Yīng and her grandmother find ways to connect even though Měi Yīng’s Mandarin isn’t the best and Năi Nai doesn’t speak English. Doing tai chi together in the mornings is one way they connect to ...
In southern California in 1996, high school senior Rana wants to honor the life of her best friend Louie by entering the Way of the Wu rap contest and living authentically as a lesbian but is torn by ...
Valentina, who is obsessed with Valentine's Day but has been told by her grandmother that her family is unlucky in love, is trying to decide if she should give up on love all together, when she meets ...
First, talk with students about what a bucket list is—a list of things you want to do before you die. The term comes from “kick the bucket” the idiomatic expression meaning “to die.” Then, get ...