Adolescents with amblyopia exert significantly less energy through physical activity, making them more susceptible to BMI elevations.
Open-globe injury surgical repair conducted within the first 24 hours may reduce the risk of postoperative endophthalmitis.
Diabetes prevention programs among adults with prediabetes were more cost effective when delivered digitally instead of in-person.
More than half of adults with uncontrolled hypertension are unaware that they have hypertension, according to a study published online Sept. 11 in JAMA Network ...
The proportion of US patients reporting a lot of trust for physicians and hospitals decreased by about 30% over the COVID-19 pandemic.
Individuals aged 70 and younger with chronic anxiety and new anxiety are three times more likely to develop dementia.
Time-restricted eating (TRE) may improve diabetes outcomes, independent of energy intake, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the European A ...
Lung US parameters have high discriminative accuracy and can be applied in the triage of adults with COVID-19 in several clinical settings.
Neuropathic corneal pain (NCP), compared with dry eye disease (DED), is more debilitating in terms of patients’ quality of life (QoL), pain severity, and symptom frequency, according to research ...
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy therapy with anti-VEGF injections can have better short-terms visual outcomes compared with laser therapy.
Among patients with PD, acupuncture plus standard of care is beneficial in improving sleep quality and quality of life for up to 4 weeks.
Once-weekly efsitora is noninferior to once-daily degludec for reducing glycated hemoglobin levels in adults with type 2 diabetes who have not received insulin.