Buna ISD Superintendent Julie Motomura has announced that more bats have been discovered at Buna High School. She says the latest discovery is a colony living in the walls of some classrooms. This is ...
A wreckage of a vehicle belonging to Oromo militants that was burnt by officers of a special operations group at the Ambalo militant camp in Marsabit. It is at this vast camp that militants of the ...
Is Belle Gibson still part of the Ethiopian Oromo community? The bizarre update that isn't included in Netflix's Apple Cider Vinegar. Thankfully, the docuseries The Search For Instagram's Worst ...
BUNA, Texas — Buna High School students returning to school this week will find a bat-free cafeteria following the removal of an infestation of the small winged mammals. Newly hired ...
Namtichi dhiheenya kana US irraa maatiisaa gara Paakistaaniitti ​​deebise tokko intala isaa umriin waggaa kurnanii keessa jirtu sababii viidiyoowwan isheen TikTok irrattihojjettu waan jibbeef ajjeesuu ...
BUNA, Texas — The Buna Independent School District Board of Trustees has officially appointed Dr. Julie Motomura as the district’s new superintendent following the completion of a mandatory 21 ...