With Uzbekistan close to qualifying for the men’s World Cup for the first time, national-team coach Srečko Katanec resigned ...
With Uzbekistan close to qualifying for the men’s World Cup for the first time, national-team coach Srečko Katanec resigned ...
We still encourage you to apply online if possible. If you need to apply on paper, use a courier to send us your application more quickly.
The new year has ushered in tighter immigration policies as the federal government attempts to cool the country’s accelerated population growth. Last year, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau admitted to ...
Canada is set to take over the presidency of the G7 in 2025, leading a forum of seven of the world's most advanced economies at a time of political instability at home and around the world.
Canada is set to take over the presidency of the G7 in 2025, leading a forum of seven of the world’s most advanced economies at a time of political instability at home and around the world.
Undisciplined play cost Canada a shot at finishing atop the Group A standings at the world junior championship. Power-play goals by Cole Hutson, Danny Nelson and Cole Eiserman, plus an empty ...
V predzadnji oddaji letošnjega leta se bosta v studiu Radia Ga Ga – Nova generacija srečala nekdanji in večni župan dveh največjih slovenskih mest in enkrat za vselej odgovorila na vprašanje, kdo je ...
S sodelovanjem Veleposlaništva RS pri Svetem sedežu je bilo papežu izročeno rojstnodnevno darilo – potica, ki so jo pripravili v Kmetijsko-gozdarskem zavodu (KGZS) Ptuj. Na pobudo minoritskega patra ...