A car wash held by Wallingford Fire Station received "amazing" support from the community as it raised hundreds of pounds for ...
A fire station is hosting a charity car wash on Saturday. Poole Fire Station's event, set for Saturday, March 15 from 9am to ...
The new Eclipse Car Wash in Godfrey opened with a 195-foot wash tunnel and 36 vacuum bays, drawing motorists amid warm spring weather.
For information on the charity car washes go to www.cheshirefire.gov.uk/news-events/latest-news/charity-car-washes-2025/. For information on The Fire Fighters Charity go to www.firefighterscharity.org ...
Car wash businesses in the Central U.S. have been busier than usual this week after residents across several states awoke ...
The plan, which also includes a coffee shop, would be developed in an area that is now mostly vacant farmland.
Toronto Police say they are investigating two separate shooting incidents, within an hour of each other, that saw three tow ...
Acting on a tip from a diver, the authorities spent two days dredging up parts of a car in Cascade Locks that they believe is the Martins’ 1954 red and off-white Ford station wagon ...
In a late Thursday evening session, Kansas City councilmembers approved a plan to insource animal control operations away ...
In a late Thursday evening session, Kansas City councilmembers approved a plan to insource animal control operations away from KC Pet Project.
The City Council on Tuesday granted approval to a controversial proposed fuel station, market and car wash adjacent Palmdale ...