Using more appealing language and descriptions — rather than simply labelling foods ‘vegan’ or ‘vegetarian’ — can encourage people to choose plant-based foods more often.
Hall scheduled an appointment with a specialist, and in 2024 started testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)—receiving regular ...
Research shows adults sleeping less than six hours face accelerated brain aging and cognitive decline, with high blood ...
Gerlich says that existing research does not prove that AI is breaking our brains, merely that those less confident in their ...
New research from UNSW's Center for Healthy Brain Aging (CHeBA) has explored the views of older adults on what constitutes ...
Do functional foods targeted at brain or cognitive health deliver the benefits they claim and often at added expense to the ...
Some people wake up vividly recalling their dreams from the night, and can tell precise stories experienced during the night, ...
Why do some people remember dreams in vivid detail while others recall nothing at all? A new study explores this mystery, ...
Dream recall is the ability to summon at least some significant details from a dream once you wake up. Only 11% of Americans ...
Astronomers search for missing planets, a salty food movement takes hold, and it may be time to redefine the second ...
Unpacking your problems for an hour each week with a professional is being talked about for all the wrong reasons ...