Ze woont tegenwoordig in New York, maar voor een dagje is Halina Reijn neergestreken in Amsterdam. Om de feestelijke première van haar film Babygirl in Pathé Tuschinski bij te wonen, en even wat ...
In this movie, I made less takes than in my Spanish movies. In my Spanish movies, I can take from 10 to 20 times. And with them, I made from two to four. Reijn: Do you think the limitation of the ...
Pedro Almodóvar and Halina Reijn have a lot in common ... But that is a mystery for me. Reijn: Because your movie is about death, and about sickness and saying goodbye, I was afraid to watch ...
Pedro Almodóvar and Halina Reijn have a lot in common ... But that is a mystery for me. Reijn: Because your movie is about death, and about sickness and saying goodbye, I was afraid to watch it. But I ...
CollectieDit topinterview met Halina Reijn wil je lezen. En ook: kerstkind Martin Gaus over de ‘maffe idioterie’ van vroeger. Donorbroers over hun 111 halfbroers en -zussen. Dit en meer ...
Over zijn motief is niets bekend. Wel duidelijk is dat de man een oud-leerling is van de school. Volgens de minister van Binnenlandse Zaken woont de verdachte vlak bij de basisschool. Psychische ...
“Onze gids liet ons een rivier oversteken die door de aanhoudende regen hoger stond dan gewoonlijk. Toen één leerling dreigde meegesleurd te worden, wierp Kristine zich zonder twijfelen in het ...
"A lot of male actors, especially of Antonio Banderas's status, will not play supporting to a female movie star." - Halina Reijn I wanted the kink to only be a metaphor so that everybody could ...
Babygirl, the second English feature film from Dutch director Halina Reijn, is about a workplace ... But under the hot exterior, the movie is a study of female desire, shame, and what it takes ...
Babygirl, the second English feature film from Dutch director Halina Reijn, is about a workplace affair between ... But under the hot exterior, the movie is a study of female desire, shame, and what ...