An American aircraft carrier returned to the South China Sea, while a Chinese "flattop" conducted another sea trial.
One Earth satellite can see plankton that photosynthesize. The other measures water surface height. Together, their data ...
The minister said, "This satellite will scan nearly all land and ice every 12 days and will have very high resolution." He ...
A newly-deployed satellite has created the most-detailed map yet of the ocean floor, finding hundreds of hills and underwater ...
Generative AI can transform how we predict, prepare for, and recover from natural disasters. 20 years after the 2004 Tsunami ...
This behaviour is in stark contrast to the bravado of the pirates who used to strut around this charming, ancient port ...
In a flight simulator used to recreate the flight, the simulated plane traveled to the southern Indian Ocean where it flew ...
area of the southern Indian Ocean, based on data of automatic connections between an Inmarsat satellite and the plane. Read breaking news, latest ...
Satellite data showed the plane deviated from its flight path to head over the southern Indian Ocean, where it is believed to have crashed. An expensive multinational search covering a 120,000 sq ...
based on the satellite data, his government had concluded that the plane crashed down in a remote corner of the Indian Ocean, and that there were no survivors. Transport Minister Anthony Loke said ...
Satellite data showed the plane deviated from its flight path to head over the southern Indian Ocean, where it is believed to have crashed. An expensive multinational search failed to turn up any ...