Their observations revealed that norepinephrine levels in the brain fluctuate about every 50 seconds during non-REM sleep.
The brain's waste-removal process is "like turning on the dishwasher," a neurologist says, but common sleep medications may ...
In a study, scientists have shown neurotransmitters in the human brain are active during the processing of the emotional content of language, providing new understanding into how people interpret the ...
Eight years of work. A collaboration between the Laboratory of Neuroethology of Non-Human Primates of the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma, led by Luca Bonini, and a team ...
Blood vessels in the brain rhythmically constrict and dilate to drive waves of cleansing fluid through the organ.
New research shows male and female brains differ at birth. Females have more grey matter, aiding emotions and memory.
Human brains take in sensory data at more than 1 billion bits per second, but only process that information at a measly 10 ...
Researchers have uncovered how egg cells prepare for the creation of life. Their work reveals the secrets of the Balbiani ...
Findings reveal the memory-related brain processes that generate unwanted thoughts when people are sleep deprived ...
A collaborative effort between Mount Sinai and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center has shed valuable light on how monoamine neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and now histamine help ...
Neural implants contain integrated circuits (ICs) -- commonly called chips -- built on silicon. These implants need to be small and flexible to mimic circumstances inside the human body. However, the ...
The age-old debate about differences between male and female brains has taken a dramatic turn with new evidence suggesting these variations begin before a baby’s first cry. In the largest study of its ...