The animated film "Walk in the Light" about Oklahoma City bombing survivor Raymond Washburn has been nominated for an NAACP ...
Jack Roosevelt Robinson rose from humble origins to break the color barrier in baseball, becoming one of the most beloved men in America. Born to tenant farmers in rural Georgia and raised in ...
Get to the Bag spotlights the remarkable career of Jackie Robinson beyond baseball. The film blends the lyrical narrative of ...
“Addiction is a part of this film.” Heying said the story “turned ... That includes witnessing Jones “fall in love with baseball — and Jackie Robinson.” There are stories of the ...
“More Like Jackie” is a new documentary that explores how Wichita came together and persevered after the shocking theft and destruction of a Jackie Robinson statue at the League 42 baseball field.
In 1946, Jackie Robinson is a Black League baseball player who never takes racism lying down. Branch Rickey is a Major League team executive with a bold idea. To that end, Rickey recruits Robinson ...
"Jackie Robinson's impact was greater than just that of baseball. He was a transforming agent and in the face of such hostility and such meanness and violence, he did it with such amazing dignity.