German big man Johann Grunloh might be a tweener. Grunloh is a frail 6-foot-11 with great length. His size lets him play the five overseas and even operate next to another big man because his ...
U.S. stocks finished higher on Friday, rebounding from early declines after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said the economy was "in a good place," but uncertainty about U.S. trade policy led ...
The procedural action drama NCIS centers on the occasionally challenging but always humorous dynamics of a team that has to work together to solve complex cases. From murder and espionage to ...
NCIS: Origins is on a long winter hiatus. The new NCIS prequel took a break in early February, but won’t return for a while due to the number of first-season episodes. CBS only ordered 18 ...
Working at a blood bank is good work, and a woman was terrorized on NCIS Season 22 Episode 13 while doing her job. Not only was she assaulted by a fentanyl-taking lunatic, but all of the blood she ...
The NCIS team gets a very unwanted blast from the past in the latest episode. But that’s not the only familiar name: McGee (Sean Murray), thanks to Kasie (Diona Reasonover), gets help from some ...
Following the mid-season break, NCIS season 22 returned with a few episodes that featured several gripping and thrilling cases. Elements like Parker's favorite baker manufacturing cocaine bread ...
Johann Rupert, South Africa’s wealthiest man, is more than just a billionaire that has stakes in about 268 companies. He is a businessman who has mastered the art of balancing family and corporate ...
Todd Lasance plays AFP Liaison Officer Sergeant Jim “JD” Dempsey on the NCIS: Sydney cast. Pic credit: © Schweich/AdMedia NCIS: Sydney ...