Vampires, also known as John Carpenter's Vampires, is a 1998 American western-horror film directed and scored by John Carpenter. Adapted from the novel Vampire$ by John Steakley, the film stars ...
As it is, Vampires is more like a schematic for a ... his performance comes out just as glib and muggy as always. The first John Carpenter film that really feels like a John Carpenter film ...
Vampires, also known as John Carpenter's Vampires, is a 1998 American western-horror film directed and scored by John Carpenter. Adapted from the novel Vampire$ by John Steakley, the film stars ...
Vampires, also known as John Carpenter's Vampires, is a 1998 American western-horror film directed and scored by John Carpenter. Adapted from the novel Vampire$ by John Steakley, the film stars ...
Despite experimenting with classic monsters like aliens, ghosts, and vampires, Toxic Commando marks Carpenters first foray ...