—Tendríamos que sacar el tomo dos primero. —¿Por qué no se terminó? —Fue el último proyecto que hicimos juntos en Cal y Canto. Me da un poco de tristeza recordar eso. Era para sacar una ...
Como quien está dispuesto a jugar a la ruleta rusa. Milei insiste en utilizar la política cambiaria como una herramienta para seguir bajando la inflación. Siempre que se recurrió a ese ...
Las subastas tienen lugar los martes. ¿Cómo se obtiene la rentabilidad de las letras? Las letras del Tesoro se emiten por un importe inferior al que se recibirá en el momento del reembolso ...
Así, no se permite usar negrita, cursiva o tachado de forma oficial ... también puedes encontrar otros tipos de letras mediante aplicaciones de terceros que se encuentran en las tiendas de ...
Sure, part of the reason pharmaceutical companies changed the script in the commercials from “talk to your doctor” to “talk to your prescriber” was that there now exist many non-physicians ...
Major medical groups are proposing a change to how doctors diagnose obesity. In Tuesday's issue of The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 58 international experts across a range of medical ...
A Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) helps people improve their mobility and physical functioning, manage pain, and prevent disability. Someone earns a DPT degree after completing the necessary training ...
“That’s a routine virus that commonly causes upper respiratory tract infections, such as bronchitis that might cause cough and sinuses,” says Dr. Paul Auwaerter, clinical director of the ...
Brooke Shields was asked an insulting question by two male doctors after she suffered a grand mal seizure in 2023. The actress opened up to “Good Morning America” viewers on Monday about the ...
“COVID has continued to circulate year-round, and we’re starting to see patterns where there’s a clear uptick of activity in the winter,” said Dr. Graham Snyder, the medical director of infection ...
Un tanque ucraniano destruído a unos kilómetros de distancia de la frontera con la región rusa de Kursk el jueves.Credit... Supported by Por Marc Santora y Liubov Sholudko Fotografías por ...
At least, that seems to be the case according to the famous internist and show host Dr. Drew who on Monday accused YouTube of taking down two videos critical of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines ...