A handful of popular animated movie series have improved as they've continued, putting out entertaining and beloved third ...
Washington lawmakers are looking to pass a bill that would prohibit using big cats, bears and other wild animals in traveling ...
21, 2018. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits) Washington lawmakers are looking to pass a bill that would prohibit using big cats, bears and other wild animals in traveling circus acts in the state.
Senate Bill 5065 would ban animals like lions, tigers, bears, elephants, and apes from being used for performing tricks, giving rides, or other entertainment purposes in front of live audiences.
This webcomic, which helped create the “DreamWorks Face” meme, was wildly unfair to Dreamworks and overly generous to Pixar, but it caught on as a shorthand comparison between the two studios, which ...
Ringling Brothers last rolled into Birmingham in 2017 on its classic mile-long circus train that traditionally housed ...
Flood waters engulfed the sanctuary, and the tortoises — many of them mere whippersnappers in the tortoise world at about ...
A community in southern Madagascar has pulled together to save thousands of critically endangered tortoises swept away from ...