The Religion News Service article makes depressing but instructive reading, from its use of the queer pastors’ picture, to ...
A multistate effort is spitting out legislation and lawsuits aimed at testing the Supreme Court justices’ commitment to ...
Yet, the factors driving the long-term downward trajectory of religion still persist. For instance, the younger generations ...
In the five years since the outbreak of the pandemic, Republicans and Christians have seen a complete shift in their ...
Catholic bishops in Kenya urged political leaders to make donations and acts of charity discreetly, in accordance with ...
Though largely used as fodder for internet “gotchas” the scuffle pointed to a wider trend — one that could remake the country ...
As Lent continues and Easter approaches, fewer Hoosiers are observing the Christian traditions compared to decades ago, ...
Several Protestant denominations are losing members, particularly the Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist and other historic mainline groups that have not only been aging and shrinking but have ...
As Easter approaches on April 20, 2025, faithful Christians worldwide are using the holy season of Christ’s journey from sacrifice to resurrection to demand protection for vulnerable people around the ...
U.S. Protestant churches are almost evenly split ... Evangelical pastors are more likely than mainline pastors to say their church is growing (57% v. 46%). Denominationally, Holiness (63% ...