Texas still maintains the highest number of cases, mostly in young unvaccinated children, but cases are creeping closer to Ohio.
A child in Suffolk County became the latest known person in the region to contract measles. Experts recommend vaccines as the best defense against the viral illness.
More than 250 cases of measles have been reported in the U.S., nearly all of which have been associated with three outbreaks, ...
The measles outbreak in western Texas is continuing to grow with a total of 223 cases confirmed, according to new data ...
Cicada Brood XIV will emerge in New Jersey and several other states this spring. Report your sightings and help map the emergence with Cicada Safari.
This spring, residents across New Jersey can expect to see Brood XIV, or Brood 14, emerge likely around mid-May or when the area gets a "good rain," Gene Kritsky, founder of Cicada Safari, a group ...