Starring Nandamuri Balakrishna, Daaku Maharaaj wrapped its theatrical run with Rs 115 crore gross globally. Balayya is now gearing up for Akhanda 2.
Ali Fazal's daughter Zuneyra cuddles him in an adorable, unseen pic that is stealing hearts online. Don't miss the cutest moment!
In a new update, the upcoming Malayalam movie Oru Jaathi Jaathakam starring Vineeth Sreenivasan gets banned in Gulf countries except Oman.
Check out the Days Of Our Lives Recap aired on January 29, 2025, where the audience got to witness the conversation between Ava and the woman in white.
Discover the latest Hindi box office collections, Bollywood movie Box Office Collection, daily and weekend trends, top-grossing films, and detailed analysis of hits and flops.
Eid 2025 is getting crowded, with multiple movies heating up for release across the nation. Be it Salman Khan's Sikandar or ...
Pinkvilla exclusively informed our readers that Sandeep Reddy Vanga, Bhushan Kumar, and Pranay Reddy Vanga are on the verge ...