A classic example of the coolness of eyewear, Marcello Mastroianni’s thick black glasses in 8 1/2 showed the world that an ...
Brain teaser quizzes are a perfect means of developing your brain, boosting critical thinking, and analyzing problem-solving.
The technology behind shades has changed over the centuries. From Inuit snow goggles to aviators to polarized sunglasses.
In our today's optical illusion challenge, a repeated pattern of 'gq' hides a sneaky twist—one instance features a '9' instead of 'g.' This tricky brain teaser plays with human perception, making it ...
The three-day weekend is coming to a close, but Dell is giving you a reason to celebrate Presidents' Day with discounts on ...
Hélène Cattet and Bruno Forzani worship at the altar of vintage gialli, honoring a Diabolik-inspired hero as he looks back on ...