After digging around a bit, it was discovered that the remains were from people who had lived (and been buried) at the Erie County poorhouse/almshouse (1851-1913), prior to UB being built.
There was a time when I did not care about "the poor," and even resented them if they received government assistance. I have ...
Elsewhere, a fire had occurred at a sawmill at the Poles, Dornoch. It was thought that the blaze had been started by a spark ...
Special Dispatch to the New-York Times. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may ...
Many will walk or drive past the former City Poorhouse on Edinburgh's Comiston Road every day and see it as nothing other than a sheltered housing block. However, before its redevelopment ...
The elderly woman was immediately helped to her feet. She was not seriously injured. Accidents have become more frequent in the American poorhouse, called the Capitol. If the old lady had brains, she ...