In 1925, dignity came for the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters when the organization got a charter from the American Federation of Labor. The men were issued name tags. Since the Pullman ...
Railroads formed the backbone of America. Starting in the 1800s, trains hauled millions of pounds of freight and passengers ...
The little-known story of the wives and maids who helped propel the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters to a groundbreaking agreement with the Pullman Company. Rosina Corrothers-Tucker had spent days ...
The Pullman model — a long-wheelbase six-seat variant — has been particularly popular with this select clientele. This week, the German automaker announced the latest version of the car, the ...
From The Pittsburg (Penn.) Post. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view ...
The car where the fire occurred Wednesday was the “Birch River,” a Pullman sleeper with 10 roomettes and six bedrooms, built in 1949. Damage from vandalism was judged to be irreversible 15 ...
Miles of Smiles chronicles the organizing of the first black trade union - the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. This inspiring story of the Pullman porters provides one of the few accounts of ...