Hrithik Roshan's fitness journey and dedication to staying healthy have inspired millions, including Bandish Bandits star Shreya Chaudhry. The actor took to Instagram to share how the actor ...
And all eyes are on the leading lady of the show - Shreya Chaudhry. She has been soaking in all the love and appreciation coming her way. Recently the actress was in the news for her inspiring ...
Shreya says, "I was always the chubby kid in the room. It felt like no matter what I did, I couldn't lose my weight enough. Maybe I wasn't motivated enough. Then came Hrithik Roshan and as a fan ...
Actor Shreya Chaudhry shared her transformation journey, attributing her fitness inspiration to Hrithik Rosha. She reflected on her past and future aspirations in a heartfelt social media post. Listen ...
News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.
On Sunday, September 8, The Armory Show concluded its 30th edition, marking a landmark year as the first under the helm of its new director, Kyla McMillan and entirely within the Frieze network.